I was very pleased when I discovered this feature. In fact, that is what launched my quest to find out how to save new volume settings in the style. I thought it would be a great idea to take the PSR9000 settings, adjust the sound for the PSR2000 and then add OTS settings and save them in the PSR2K version of this style. Using the Music DB files from the 9000, one could get suggested voice settings for each style with one or more songs and these could be used to set the four OTS. I thought this would make an excellent set of downloadable styles for PSR2000 owners. I was interrupted in my quest by having to spend several days cleaning the Nimda virus out of my and my wife's computer.
However, even if one limited oneself to only the styles on the 9000 that were not in the 2000, this is a big project. (And styles with the same style name between the two keyboards may not, in fact, be exactly the same style.) Just working with the 9000 music data file to try and conveniently show the voices suggested with particular songs and styles is more difficult than I had anticipated. Of course, if several folks joined in the project, the task could be divided up -- someone working on Swing styles, someone on Latin, someone on Country, etc. Just a thought.
Joe Waters