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#105791 - 08/26/01 02:10 PM A must to have AJ´s manuals ( X1 and or SD1) ! !
mdorantes Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 11/25/00
Posts: 1211
Loc: Queretaro, Mexico
As a user of X1 and SD1, is a must to have this manual´s , they are great to explain what Ketron only made ( if so) a little comment about, you can tell AJ is very sharp in all this terms and how to explain them easy, I have learn new things on my X1, and of course is helping me a great deal w/ my SD1, which by the way I played my 2 jobs about almost 90% in the SD1 G R E A T ! ! !.


#105792 - 08/26/01 09:33 PM Re: A must to have AJ´s manuals ( X1 and or SD1) ! !
DanO1 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/31/01
Posts: 3602
Loc: Maryland
Hello Manuel ,
I agree ....AJ's manual is worth having ! If you could have driven another 3000 miles we could have met ! Maybe see the Whitehouse as well ! Congradulatons on your SD1 purchase . Dano

#105793 - 08/27/01 06:56 PM Re: A must to have AJ´s manuals ( X1 and or SD1) ! !
Danny D Offline

Registered: 12/13/99
Posts: 37
Loc: West Los Angeles, CA, USA
I have Solton X1 manual, so I want to know more about what other good stuff AJ has input to it ? is there a chapter of how to compose new style from scratch ?

#105794 - 08/28/01 10:34 AM Re: A must to have AJ´s manuals ( X1 and or SD1) ! !
Ketron_AJ Offline

Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 3609
Loc: Middletown, DE
Danny D,

Both manuals (X-series and Sd1) cover
* creating styles from cratch.
(How to create all component parts, how to copy from existing or custom styles, how to copy from other keyboards via MIDI etc)
* voice editing tips (how to 'create' your own voices etc)
* sampling and tips (creating loops, straight samples, cleaning samples etc)
* vocal harmonizer and tips (controlling the harmonizer manually, automatically etc)
* attaching wave files to MIDI files or accompaniment (SD1)
* Song play and record tips and tricks
... plus lots more.

These manuals do not only cover the 'HOW TO DO ...' but also the 'WHY you would want to do..'. This way, you are exposed to a lot more features your keyboard can do which you might not have been aware of.
Just contact Dan O or George Kaye for more information!

Design Engineer & Product Specialist.

#105795 - 09/17/01 09:08 AM Re: A must to have AJ´s manuals ( X1 and or SD1) ! !
Ketron_AJ Offline

Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 3609
Loc: Middletown, DE

This update is for those who already have the SD1 Users Guide Manuals.

As advertized, it is possible to set your own Velocity curves for the SD1 (there are 4 user locations). By pressing UTILITY (F3), you will be able to access the currentl velocity settings using VEL. CURVES - F10. Press F10 to toggle between the various settings. To set your own pressure points etc, select USER X (where X = 1,2,3 or 4). Now press both -VALUE+ keys together to access the USER settings screeen. All modification can be viewed on the displayed curve as you change the settings. Remember to SAVE (F10) prior to EXITing this screen.

There are currently to MODES for which you can select voices on the SD1 and these can be best explained with examples. Assume you pressed the SAX group and used the voice called NIGHT SAX. Next, you pressed the ETHNIC group and used the voice called STEEL DRUMS. Finally, you pressed PIANO and used the voice called LATINPIANO.

MODE 1: You can 'program' the SD1 such that each time you visit a voice group that had once been visited, the voice that was previously used in that group will be automatically recalled and assigned. This alows you to press less buttons ... unless you want to visit the same group, but use a different voice from the one previously used.

MODE 2: You can 'program' the SD1 such that each time you visit a voice group, the voice currently being used will be maintained until you select a NEW voice within the group. If you are currently usig the LATINPIANO (within the PIANO group) and select the SAX group, the LATINPIANO voice will still be the one selected and used UNTIL you select eg NIGHTSAX within the SAX group. Only upon the selection of another voice, will the voice actually change.
So in MODE 1, changing the groups automatically changes the voice to the voice last used within the selected group (if no sound was selected, the default will be the first sound of the group) - one button push, and good if you constantly use a certain voice within a given sound group; whereas in MODE 2, changing the groups will STILL require the user to select a sound within the group BEFORE the sound will be changed .. requires 2 buttons or more to be pushed and good if you have no voice preference within groups.
How do you select the MODES?
* Press UTILITY and use the PAGE+ to go to PAGE 2.
* Use VOICE SELECT - F8 to toggle between MODE 1 & MODE 2


DISPLAY HOLD: You can also customize your display wrt how long certain screens should be displayed before the defautl screen is displayed after an action has been taken. To do this,
* Press UTILITY -F3
* Use the -PAGE+ to go to PAGE 2
* Press DISP. TIME (F4) and use the -VALEU+ to change this value (in seconds, eg 10). This means that when you access UTILITY, EFFECTS, ARRANGER MODE etc screens and implement a change or not, the SD1 will return you to the default screen 10 seconds after you've made the last change within the selected screen.

This feature is used to automatically return the SD1 to the defult screen once a style or voice has been selected. To access this feature,
* Press AUTOCLOSE F8 and toggle between YES and NO. If set to YES the SD1 will return the user to the default screen once a VOICE or STYLE has been selected from the voice and style screens. If set to no, the user will have to manually press EXIT each time a voice or style is selected, in order to return to the default screen.

It is possible to select styles either by GROUP access or NUMERIC access.
GROUP: To access a style, the user will have to first press the goup the style is in (e.g LATIN - [#8]) and then press the F-button corresponding to the style.
NUMERIC: To accessa style, the user will have to use the numric style pad (0-9) to enter the number accociated with the style. You can also 'freeze' a numeric group such that to access a style, all the user would have to do is enter the 10th and unit digits while the hundredth digit is frozen. What's this? Say you are currently using style #210 and the next style you want to access is 212, then 217 and 220.
* While in numeric mode, press 2 and */FOLK symultaneoulsy. This 'freezes' the 200 BLOCK of styles.
* Now you can press "1' and "0" to access 210, or "1" and "7" to access 217 ... You are now pressing 2 buttons to access a style, rather than 3!

The NUMERIC or GROUP function can be accessed via
* Press STYLES (F9)
* Toggle between GROUP and NUMERIC

For those that have already got the SD1 User guide and manual, please attach this to your UTILITES page. For those who have not had these manuals, this is some usefull information for you, but there is a lot more you're missing.

Hope this helps.

Design Engineer & Product Specialist.


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