Gary, I am not sure about a program for scrolling lyrics in MS Word or Word Perfect but there is a program called Vanbasco's Karaoke Player that is excellent for scrolling Lyrics in a song. It is a stand alone player that has many neat features. For instance, it has a FULL screen mode and the Font's are very readable. All's you do is find a Karaoke Midi File on the Internet of the song you want to sing along with etc., download it and open the file in Vanbasco's Karaoke Player. Start the song and double click the Karaoke window to get the Full screen mode and there you have it. You can simply MUTE your Laptop built-in speakers so no sound comes out of the Laptop and start playing your Keyboard as you normally would with the song. Even neater is the Karaoke type Lyric function where each word of the song is emphasized so you know where your at in the lyrics of the song, eg., (the same scroll type as the PSR 2000's Lyric Function). The Vanbasco Player even has a Tempo adjust feature that scrolls the Lyrics faster or slower accordingly. So you simply set the Tempo of the Song to the Tempo you would be playing the Song with your Keyboard. It even has a Playlist feature so you could download all the Karaoke songs from the Internet that will be in your gigging repertoire, set the songs up in the order you want to play them and simply start the first song and Vanbasco will go to the next song automatically, and the next, and the next, etc., so song down time is minimized dramatically. Plus there are many more features in the Program. You can find it here: Note: You will have to make sure that the Karaoke file's Lyrics you download are "accurate" and correct, ie., (make sure the words in the karaoke song are the "actual" words to the song[s] you wish to sing along with), ie., NO MISTAKES in the lyrics.

If there are incorrect lyrics in the Karaoke file try downloading a copy or version without any mistakes in the lyrics. Vanbasco's own web site has a Karaoke song search function that allows you to search for just Karaoke files in particular.
Best regards,