The radio alarm woke me this morning to the sounds of Lee Greenwood's "Proud to be an American", and I immediately remembered the date....
Here in Rhode Island our company will have a moment of silence at 8:46 ...
On that day we had our grandaughter's first birthday announced at about 7:00AM on the local NBC affiliate .... when I look at the tape now I just think how benign the news was at that time .. the big story was Gary Condit .... how little we knew....
I will never forget my daughter calling me that morning asking if I had heard anything about a plane "accident' at the WTC .... she called back when the news of the second one hit the air.... we 'jerry-rigged' a tv we use for training videos in the office, so we could watch what was happening ...
As much as I still find it difficult to deal with, all the more my heart and prayers go out to the surviving family members.....
We WILL never forget! ...