When someone says "The XYZ 1234 keyboard is the best keyboard on the market ... PERIOD !!!" , we must understand that this is OPINION, not fact ...
"Definition of fact (noun)
something known or proved to be true"
No one has proved that any one kb is "the BEST ... PERIOD!!!"
It is only a "fact" in the mind of the beholder, and therefore only OPINION ... perhaps agreed to by many others, but STILL only opinion ...
When someone says "I respect your opinions...... but the SA voices although nice for some dont impress me," .. again, that is OPINION ...
However, Donny, saying "maybe more for home players .....sorry.", shows no respect for those those pros who have chosen a board other than the 3000 ... and not ALL the talented pros live in the tri-state area of NJ, PA, and MD

Quote "The 3k does a fantatstic job, although the T2 is an awesome Kb for some, there are many great Pro arranger players like Gary D, Uncle Dave, Eddie Shoemaker & others who Im sure can afford a T2 still play the 3k.....must be a reason? "
Yes, there is a reason ... it works FOR THEM ... not saying the Ty2 wouldn't, although I understand that for whatever reasons (and no doubt they are valid) it did not work FOR YOU ...
get the key, Nigel ...