
This message is addressed to the new members in this forum, who have not yet stumbled upon my site "The Unofficial Yamaha Keyboard Resource Site" at http://www.jososoft.dk/yamaha/index.htm

At the site I have since 1999:
- written articles (now 40+)
- created styles (now 40+)
- written software programs (now 20+)
- collected links to:
- Discussion Fora (now 100+)
- Style Sites (now 75+)
- Resource Sites (now 65+)
- Software Programs (now 110+)
exclusively related to Yamaha keyboards.

Furthermore you will find a lot of links to:
- Music
- Music Software
- MIDI - Karaoke
- Lyrics - Fakebooks - Sheets - Tabs
- Songwriting - Chords - Patterns
- Yamaha XG - XF
resources worldwide at the site.

You are most welcome to pay a visit to "The Unofficial Yamaha Keyboard Resource Site" at http://www.jososoft.dk/yamaha/index.htm


The Unofficial YAMAHA Keyboard Resource Site