Pro ... don't worry about UD. he could give US some

I fully realize that it takes a great amount of WORK

for us to be able to go out and PLAY

... I've always said that I get paid for the learning, practice, rehearsals, setting up, and breaking down, but not for the playing and singing .... even with all that goes into it, I never want to consider "playing a gig" work, because that would change the whole concept for me ..... as far as I'm concerned, the only difference between me and a "star" is that I also have to be the roadie, the sound guy, the lighting guy, etc., etc. ..... and let's be honest... when doing private parties we have a good time feeding our egos while we are playing/singing, we get fed, sometimes have a drink, we (often) take a break every hour (I know, that depends on the gig, the crowd, etc.), and at the end of the night WE get paid

... as far as work goes, it sure beats a lot of other things we could be doing...
Many years ago I was having a discussion with a friend about income, and he stated that many people had to work a second job to make ends meet ... I stated that I hoped I never had to do that ... he said "you already have a second job... you work weekends as a musician don't you?" ... I didn't consider it a 'second JOB' then, and I don't now..... AND, I like to feel that if I had to get paid for my talent, no one could afford me, or I would have to work underpaid!!!

PS ..... anyone know the origin of the word gig? .....