Scotty, Scotty ..... such harsh words!
You know these topics are open game for discussion. This is a debate style, and the Devil's Advocate is a healthy game to weed through the mire of confusion. ( pretty slick, huh?)
I admit - I make many postings in a rush because of time constraints, and I'm sorry if I don't stroke each and every one of your egos as I post info, but I'm just trying to share what I know. In my experience, I've found that there are many more PSUEDO experts than real ones, so I try to balance out the Bull S***. I try to enlighten and entertain all at once !
You can always count on my comments to be from the heart as well as from the hip .... that's just me. I'm really not picking on anyone. I just like to present different views on stuff that interests me.
Scott, you're always welcome to any of our East Coast food runs ...... too bad you eat so healthy. ( We're loosing Donny too .... 60 lbs of him ! )
So, lighten up - God's in His heaven, and all's right with the world! We're all brothers here.