Ed, I own the TC Helicon Voiceworks, but ever since I bought Tyros2, I no longer need to utilize the Voiceworks. Tyros2 includes some vocal harmonizer improvements including: Mic Settings Button > Vocal Range setting which allows you to specify your voice range. I recommend setting it to LOW, to best optimize male voice tracking of VH. The other thing which will further improve & enhance your vocal harmonies is to create your own custom USER VH Types, and save these custom VH files into USER. There are (24 total) customizable VH parameters contained in a single "VH HARMONY TYPE" file:
* Vocoder Type
* Chordal Type
* Harm Gender Type
* Lead Gender Type
* Lead Gender Depth
* Lead Pitch Correct
* Upper Gender Thresh
* Lower Gender Thresh
* Upper Gender Depth
* Lower Gender Depth
* Vibrato Depth
* Vibrato Rate
* Vibrato Delay
* Harmony 1 Volume
* Harmony 2Volume
* Harmony 3 Volume
* Harmony 1 Pan
* Harmony 2 Pan
* Harmony 3 Pan
* Harmony 1 Detune
* Harmony 2 Detune
* Harmony 3 Detune
* Pitch to Note
* Pitch to Note Part
Experimenting & tweaking the above settings to best match your indiviual voice and VH requirements will reward you with even more impressive VH results. I recommend first editing one of the many PRESET VH TYPE selections as a starting point, and then creating your own CUSTOM USER VH setting files from this, naming, and saving it for recall in USER area.
[This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 08-09-2006).]