As you can imagine there are lots and lots of possibilities for hosting your website.
There are ones you pay for and also those which come free if you subscribe to their hosting package.
I personally have two separate websites, one I pay for and one I don't pay any extra for.
The first is a company from which I bought my domain name (
www.yamahakeyboards.info) who also hosts my website. For this I pay about £30 ($50) per year and it is very efficient and supportive.( I also get free wemail addresses)
The second is a Webserver which I use just about all the time to surf and at the same time I get a free 250MB website domain, which for me is ample space.
In fact , what I am able to do is to use the free webspace offered by the second server by using the exact same makeup of my paid-for site and it goes under another domain name (
I personally would not hesitate to recommend the latter. It has a great service with lots of extra features too many to list here.
It is Plusnet, based in UK, but with lots of world wide customers. It can be reached for information by going to any of my websites mentioned above and clicking on the banner at the top of the page. I have no qualms about giving this advice simply because I am so happy with it.They of course give instructions how to make up your website and launching it.
Hope this gives you a start in your learning curve.
You will see that most of my website is about music anyway
Eddie from Rotherham
[This message has been edited by eddiefromrotherham (edited 01-19-2005).]