I have spent a considerable amount of hours re-mapping the 'complete' Tyros"2" Styles for the Tyros. It was quite a challenge because the Tyros2 has the SAV's and also additional Sweet!, Live!, and Cool! Voices and also new Mega voices that the Tyros doesn't have. The T2 Styles are Yamaha's best effort to date and if re-voiced right they will also sound amazing on the Tyros.
>> I re-mapped not only the Style section to replace missing voices but also added the missing OTS voices as well. If you play the T2 styles on a Tyros the Style section and OTS section will have 'many' missing Voices because of the SAV and other Sweet!, Live!, and Cool! voices on the T2 that are not on the Tyros. I suppose Yamaha is not too worried about people using the T2 Styles on a Tyros because of the strenuous effort needed (more like blood, sweat, and tears
) to re-map the Styles and OTS. I don't know if Yamaha has any objection to someone posting the "converted" T2 Styles but if they didn't I would be willing to put them up on my web site along with the Custom Voices. Has anybody else run into trouble trying to post the T2 Styles online? I wouldn't want to post them if Yamaha has any objections about it.
Here are some examples of Tyros2 Styles played unedited on my Tyros and then the same Style[s] played on my Tyros that have been re-mapped to replace the missing voice tracks. PS: I posted the Flamingo style a while back but the others are brand new.
T2 Flamingo Style T2 OrientalPop Style T2 Rock&RollShuffle Style T2 SoulBeat Style T2 SoulShuffle Style Best regards,