Thank you Yamaha for donating me a keyboard, I am just truly touched by your dedication, devotion, kindness, and sincerity! I cannot say enough to express how I feel about what you have done for me!
Also, Yamaha's products are just awesome! I have listened to some audio demos at Simon William's site: and was just amazed at how realistic the PSR740 sounds! It is the best sounding keyboard I have ever heard in my entire life and I cannot wait to hear it myself! I'll be sure to let everyone know when the keyboard arrives, I am just amazed that I am getting it straight from Yamaha!
It is obvious that Yamaha has a big heart and really cares about musicians around the world! I will never forget that not only did the forum members contribute to this, but Yamaha had a big part as well! I am speechless, Yamaha, and remember, you have impacted my life deeply and have made my dream possible! I will NEVER take advantage of this gift, but instead I will spread a good message, give people hope, and share the truth through my music!
Thank you Yamaha so much and see you around on the forums,