Jammer Live is supposed to be a real time software ( I don't have it ). Jammer Pro is not ( I do have it ).
Jammer pro, like BIAB ( I have that too.. vers 11 ) , requires that you enter the chords ahead of time in step time. Both softwares will however, enter chords at random for you as well, with some parameters to control the feel in each.
I agree with Terry about the Jammer Pro styles. Many more for BIAB. Why I prefer Jammer is that I can get more realistic sounding accompaniment from it.. I've never used the internal styles in Jammer, always preferring to build my own. It's a breeze to do in Jammer, and the software allows me to build custom patch lists for my synths. Style creation in Jammer is completely different from BIAB. BIAB style creation requires recorded pieces of midi files, much like arranger patterns. Jammer uses several algorithim schemes that allow as little or as much control as the user wants over the actual notes played in a style.
What I don't know is whether you can use Jammer pro created user styles in Jammer Live.. Does anyone else know whether this is possible ?
Other software to look at includes The "Midi Wizard " or Midibrains. Not real time creation either but an interesting software to create patterns with. I also use Pump Beta from Bram bros and the "Jazz" sequencer. All 3 of these can do some accompaniment creation ( Pump requires you to enter the notes on a grid like other drum machines, but works on non drum tracks too ).
All 3 are now freeware as well.
Some of the algo software available is cool too.. such as " music in the numbers " and fract music 2000. At times I've used these almost as "quasi" arpeggiators.
[This message has been edited by Bluezplayer (edited 09-19-2002).]