Roy-Andrč, you are asking me a tough question.....I am sitting on the fence a little but I will give it a try:
I am switching over to NI's Bandstand for my auto accompaniment.
I will downsize on my less favorite acoustic instruments or acoustic instruments I do not use often for my lead or melody parts. Here I will use Colossus, Garritan's Personal Ochestra, Garritan's Jazz & Big Band and others.
For my favorite lead or melody instruments I will continue to use top of the line instruments, e.g., NI's Steinway D, EW's Steinway B and Bardstown's Bosendorfer 290, Scarbee Bass & Rhodes 73 Pianos, Garritan Strings, VRSound 3D Pipe Organs, NI B4, EW&VSL Brass, Trumpets, Mutes, Flutes, etc., and others. There is one area I am still searching for that perfect saxophone (tenor, alto and soprano), saxophones with character (spit, smoke, growls). These are hard to find. I have layered some and used velocity switching to get some character going. Another area I am still looking is good guitars. Currently I use the acoustic guitars which came with kontakt.
For synthesizer & electric guitars sounds, I will take the lower quality....don't use it much.
For my vocal harmonizer, I use Antares or Akai DecaBuddy (discontinued).
You can get very good sound and save a great deal of money by just using NI Bandstand, Colossus and Garritan's Jazz & Big Band (about $1200 to $1400 US). Like you, I have Dimension Pro from Cakewalk (Project5 and Sonar 5). I have yet to test could be very good as well.
Concerning your BFD drums, you could remap your GM Drum tracks to fit with this drum kit. If BFD is very good it may be worth it. Apparently other very good drum kits are the Drums From Hell: [This message has been edited by Frank L. Rosenthal (edited 12-21-2005).]