Originally posted by George Kaye:
I just spoke with David Lindsay at Yamaha regarding saving changes of length of intro and endings into Registration Memories.What he said was that you must first create a user style version with your changes before saving the registration.
I'm sorry, but Dave Lindsay of Yamaha is DEAD WRONG. This simply is NOT true. He's obviously confused.

I agree that by saving a 'factory preset' style as a 'user style' you can change the styles's 'DEFAULT' intro & ending variation, but you DO NOT need to create a 'User style' in order to save specific intro/ending variations to & triggered by Registration Memory.
After spending time experimenting with PSR2000 'factory preset' styles and saving them to Registration Memory, I've determined EXACTLY how saving different intro/ending variations to Registration Memory works:
For each individual Registration Memory Button (1-8), you can store (and trigger) 'ONE' of any 6 Intro or Ending variations. It's important to remember that your 'specified' intro or ending can ONLY be triggered if you press the associated Registration Button, NOT the actual Intro or Ending buttons themselves.
When you want to save a specific intro or ending variation to Registration Memory, you must first choose & set the specific intro/ending variation type you want in the LCD window (press E), then press button D to choose a specific intro variation and button E to choose a specific ending variation. Then press either the 'intro' or 'ending' button (in the Style Control section) to turn it on. Immediately (while the intro or ending button is still lite), press the Memory button & one of the individual Reg Memory buttons. This will save the selected intro or ending to that specific Reg Memory button. REMEMBER to make sure that the 'style' box in 'Registration Memory Contents'is checked. As you may know, one of the ways to utilize REg Memory (and Registration Sequence) is to recall different keyboard setups for different parts of a song or song medley. By storing different intro variations to different Reg Memory buttons, you can effectively trigger different intros to be played at different parts of a song. I've found saving different intros, fills, or a break to individual Memory Registrations to be VERY beneficial as it can make a song performance really COME ALIVE !
I hope this has cleared up all the confusion. You CAN save 'different' intros/ending of either 'factory preset' or 'user styles' to Reg Memory. More IMPORANTLY, I think Yamaha really needs to make sure that THEY provide us with CORRECT information, lest cause even MORE confusion.
My chief complaint regarding Registration Memory is that you can't store the button status (on/off) of 'Sync Start', Sync Stop', 'Auto fill in' or 'OTS link'. As a result, I always have to run thru a 5 point check before performing each song to insure that the status of these buttons is manually set correctly. What a time consuming CHORE !
My other BIG complaint is that Registration Sequence numbers 1-8 (in the LCD), do not change correspondingly when the reg memory buttons themselves are selected (changed). This is real odd because it DOES work the OTHER way around (changing Registration sequence via back/next buttons DOES change the Registration Memory buttons. Anyone else experience this frustration when performing? The RegistSeq to Reg Memory button link needs to work BOTH ways. This is a BUG which Yamaha really needs to fix ! Ok, I've got all THAT off my chest now. I feel so much better.

- Scott
[This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 03-21-2002).]