Hi Terry,
Have listened to the full version and enjoyed it very much. I know what Don M means.....I also found the song strangely hypnotic and personally would have found a bridge disruptive to that effect. (Sorry Donny
I also liked the way your vocal phrasing / timing was not predictable. I'm sure I won't explain this too well but it was almost like I would expect the next line of vocal to start and it would catch me out by waiting a beat, sometimes two, whilst giving time for a trill or melody to tail off properly. I really liked that effect.
I too think that the verses would have 'stood out' a little more if vocal harmony had been reserved just for the chorus. Having said that your music is definately unpredictable and you wrote it so you is the musical director on this one
Of all of your work that I have listened to this is definately my fave to date. Excellent.
Very best to you
Tony W