"Tired of sterile, digital sound? Sick of small LCD's and endless button pushing to select hidden parameters found deep within a thick manual" Taken from a Synthesizers.com Brochure Sept. 2002.
That's not far from the truth for me. Were all fascinated buy new technology and wonderfull new gadgets to make life easier who isn't. But when it come to electronic keyboard and synthesizers let's face it you really can't improve on them too much anymore. Oh sure you have Virtual Analog but is it really the same as the real thing? Even though digital synths have changed in the past 20 years. Most tend to stay the same. Maybe it's just me but it seems like manufactures just rehash and revamp the same gear over and over again. They mad a new feature here or tweek a software problem there but they are still the same as the pervious model. Oh sure some will argue with me that this is not true, but I beg to differ. Take KORG for example When they introduced the Trinity it was inovative when it came out. Then came the Triton still the same engine as the trinity but with more features WHOPPIE! Even with the MS2000 and MS2000 Mark II sam eingine only the latter one comes with a goose neck mic. That inovation? Even Yamaha and Roland are the Same way as well. Even the newer companies like Calvia Novation. I mean how many more Nord Leads can they come up with? Even the sounds all sound the same as the previous modle. Oh and don't get me started on the manuals. Unless you have a degree in engineereing you may as well forget figureing out half of the features on these new instruments. And Most people don't even use half the features anyway. So where is the pleasure in that I ask you?
Thats why I decdied to go with buying a Voltage Controlled Analog Modular Synthesizer. And why may you ask did I deceide to buy a modular synthesizer. One word "MOOG". The first time I ever saw and heard modualr synthesier it was on Walter (now Wendy) Carlos's Swithced on Bach and which he played a Moog Modular synthesizer.
As soon as I put the record on (yes it was an actual vynal LP, and yes I still have, though now I have it on CD). Anyway I was floored buy the sounds it produced. It was like nothing I had ever heard before. I had heard synthesizers before from listening to New Wave Music, but nothing like the MOOG. Then in there I decided that I wanted a Modualr Moog synthesizer. But at the time MOOG music was not in busines. And Locateing a Modualr system was impossible.
Today it is possible for me to finally realize my dream of owning a Modular synthesizer. I had found a company in New York State that still builds and sells Custom Moog Modulars. The most basic is $7,000.00. So I knew I would never own a Moog from them and the price of vintage ones on ebay were out of the question. Then I discoverd Synthesizers.com
http://www.synthesizers.com . A company based here in the USA in Texas, that builds Modualr synthesizers just like the old Moog's and at half the cost of a Moog Modular. The only difference is the name that's it. The .coms look and sound exactly like a Moog Modualr synthesizer.
So after years of going through a varity of synths both analog and digital. I realized I need a change something different, something unique, something that would fit with my decore, and not get bored with. This is why I decided to sell off two of my synthesizers so to put towards the purchase of a .com synth.
Incidently I am going to build my own custom system since it will be cheaper for me too buy instead of a complete system.
Sorry for rambleing on but once I get started on something like this I don't know when to stop.