I’m looking for a very lightweight yet ‘well padded’ SOFT case for my PSR2000 keyboard. I realize that I had asked this question a while back, but just never got around to purchasing one because I was using my Technics KN5000’s case. Now I need to take out BOTH boards so a PSR2000 specific case is urgently needed.
The PSR2000’s dimensions are:
Length - - - Depth - - - Height
38-5/16” x 15-11/16’ x 6- 5/16”
973 cm x 399 cm x 161 cm
I’ve checked the catalog dimensions of many of the standard 'soft keyboard cases' and it seems that their typical height dimensions are slightly shorter in height and depth yet quite a bit longer in length than the PSR2000 is.
I’m noticed that many of the keyboard cases now include wheels so you can easily take it around like a built in luggage cart. I’m wondering if it’s worth the extra weight for this feature because I really need to keep the weight as light as possible.
I remember being recommened Levys (by Don Mason) & Kases Porter (by Uncle Dave) brand cases. Please tell me the exact 'model number' which will best fit the PSR2000.?
Also, what cases are other PSR2000 owners here using? I really need to purchase a new case SOON so feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
- Scott