I think you should figure how much was overpaid, add interest lost, and aggravation and anything else that legally can be used. To me it would have been different if they would have cooperated maybe. Might as well work with the system and get as much as you can. You say your mom needs every penny. Has this affected how she spent money and the quality of her life for 24 years? I would find the cheapest and most effective way to squeeze them for every last drop. (no pun intended.)
Something similar happened to me with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wisconsin. I had over paid a few years for health insurance. My bill only used my first initial instead of my full first name. In doing that they accidentatlly charged me the female rate. Add to that that I was in a serious car accident and what it really amounted to was they really didn't want me any more as I would probably cost them money.
I stayed with Blue Cross for quite awhile, even though I could never get through to anyone to give me a refund. This went on for at least a couple years. I finally dropped them when I moved to Florida. That's when they finally paid me and I reallized that they had been trying to get rid of me.
Go for it.