* If this question belongs on a different forum please feel free to move it *
Sorry to be a bother. Hopefully this is the last for a little while.
I prefer to do the traditional three (or four) finger bridge-chord auto-accompaniment with the left hand (plonk-and-play chords), and leave any fancy stuff to the right hand. I am not a pianist so rely almost exclusively on an ear for music and a knowledge of what fingers constitute a chord for the left hand.
Obviously the WK-3700 is perfectly capable in its presets for that use.
But equally, I like to use my own customised rhythms, bass and chord lines when I'm doing the above. It allows being creative with what the left hand is up to without the skill of being a trained pianist.
On previous machines I've owned it has been a very simple task to create my own rhythm/chord loops (on one, using a pre-set a template and then playing my own bass/drums/strings/piano loops over the top to replace the preset ones). Simple matter of storing the new one in the "user" slot and then playing Am, Em, C, whatever I'm in the mood for, with the new "rhythm". Likewise with any fill-ins, intros and endings.
Could someone please tell me what is the EASIEST, most accurate and LEAST FIDDLY way to create those chord loops that can be played in real-time, for the WK-3700?
The music I would play/compose using the above would be trance/house/electric pop/new age styles. Accurate, symmetrical, repetitive loops are preferred in this case.
Thanks in advance.
Sleep rocks!