#115949 - 12/01/02 02:39 PM
Re: Open Mic
Senior Member
Registered: 06/25/99
Posts: 16735
Loc: Benton, LA, USA
Boo, There is no one answer. Some places you play don't want sit-ins, some don't care as long as they are not bad. A few encourage them. I will normally allow anyone to sing a song. If they are any good, I may ask them to do another. If they aren't, I'll say "how about a hand for ___", and turn off his mic. You MUST read the audience to see if they would be receptive to guest singers. If there is a large group and they all want one of their number to sing, I let them, IF I know a song they want to do. I do insist they know the words and key. If they don't, they won't do well, so why embarass yourself and them. As far as just a general "open mic" rule, (that WAS your question) I would say that is extremely risky, unless the entire night is advertised and featured as Open Mic night. Also be aware, you'd better know a LOT of songs and can play them in their key. Can of worms!!! If I were doing a true Open Mic night, I would be certain to load the audience with pros or at least good K****** singers. I would charge at least triple for such a night. DonM
#115955 - 12/02/02 07:44 AM
Re: Open Mic
Senior Member
Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 14376
Loc: East Greenwich RI USA
"Also be aware, you'd better know a LOT of songs and can play them in their key." Many, MANY thanks for the 'transpose' button ... "Open Mic"??? ... Not if I can help it.. As stated, there are some clubs that will NOT allow this, but others encourage it ... This is a lot harder to deal with in a private party situation, because family and friends are usually encouraging the 'star' to perform ... I too will ask that they know the words and the key, but how often do they start and then it's "la la laa" unless we are feeding them the lyrics??? .... And I am SURE that most if not all of us, except possibly UD, have run into the situation where for whatever reason, the crowd is not responding, but when one of the family gets up to sing, they go crazy!!?!! ... I've sometimes tried to work that to an advantage and incorporate that person into some 'party' type song to get the crowd going.... At one restaurant/lounge where I was doing a steady gig, I walked in at the beginning of the evening to see Jerry Vale and his family having dinner ... His daughter lives in RI and he and his wife were visiting. After dinner, he takes his little grandson over to the piano bar ... BOY did I feel like the pressure was on .... but I heard him say to his grandson something like " the music is pretty isn't it" and I felt more relaxed ... No, he didn't sing, and even though I know a lot of the Italian songs he sings, (and had the transposer button  ). I felt I would be imposing to ask him to... He actually is a very personable guy ... t:  PS .. for you youngsters, Jerry Vale is a very good singer of songs, ESPECIALLY Italian music.... worked a LOT in Vegas, back in the day..... t. 
#115956 - 12/02/02 08:02 AM
Re: Open Mic
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 12800
Loc: Penn Yan, NY
There have been many times that my performance was just "hanging in the wings" until the "guest star" (good or bad) brought the crowd to life. Sometimes you get a break from a sit-in. It can wake up the room and make you look like a great humanitarian. Last Friday a friend asked me to "suck up" to some guests she brought in to see me from Brooklyn, so I used as many ways to tie in a NY theme as possible. (Even slamming those stinkin' Giants !) hee hee.....
As the night went on ..... the "guests" had their fair share of Cozmos (the new HIP drink, I guess)and one of the ladies asked if she could sing a song to her husband. At first I was leary, but they had spent a ton of money already and were so nice .... I gave her the shot. She had some pipes ! She was not trained, and she was nervous, but every so often, she would belt out a note that sent the crowd wild. I backed her with lots of juicy harmony, and made her feel at home, and we ALL had a great time with it.
Sometimes you just KNOW when a guest will be well received, and it would be musical suicide to NOT take the oportunity to enhance the show ... no matter HOW you do it.
It's a sign of maturity and confidence to turn over the stage to a guest, and if done in a classy manor ..... you will look like a million bucks if you back someone and make them sound good. The crowd loves it, the guests will usually tip you well, and the whole pace of the room benifits from the experience.
Just beware of the drunks that have no clue .... no head for lyrics ....... and no sense of timing. It's not unusual for me to just shut someones mic off and make up any excuse to get them back in their seat. Even if I have to fake a power outage ...... it's better than bringing the room down. I won't give THAT kind of control to ANYone. It's my stage, and it has to be under MY control at all times. That's why I get the big money.
Couples that come out for a nice dinner and music should not be expected to pay premium prices for professional entertainment and then be forced to accept the rantings of an alcohl-induced rendition of "whatever", just so they can chant their musical "booty call" to their chosen prey ! Not on my time, sorry.
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