Originally posted by mdorantes:
The SD5 is like the X1, it only has one input, BUT, is stereo, and with a simple adaptor you can conect 2 microphones (page 148 in the SD5 owners manual), and also you can have the reverb and delay each independent of the other mic
Thanks, mdorantes, but I don't think so, not without feeding both mics into a mixer with effects. However, that would require readjusting the mixer effects settings on some songs. What I was looking for is a way, by using 2 mics plus a small mixer... to be able to have each mic's effects (reverb, delay, volume) controlled by a song's registration in the keyboard... by way of a midi message from the keyboard to the mixer..
[This message has been edited by GlennT (edited 08-04-2006).]