I cannot get my Yamaha 9000 Pro to send "program change" data to my sequencer program running on a Windows PC. Well, let me qualify that. Last night after much manual reading and button pushing I was finally successful. This was accomplished by going into "MIDI", selecting "001 All Parts", checking the setup (System-Transmit-Receive-Root-Chord Detect-Store) making sure program change was checked "on" everywhere and then storing this setting in flash ram. By then it was very late and I needed to go to bed. So, secure in the knowlwdge that I had "slayed this "Dragon" and could get some productive work done the next day I went off to sleep.
However, when I went back to use it today it does not work! I went through all the steps I outlined above over and over without success. The problem is not with the receive mode (playback). I can play any of the midi files I have made or collected and they sound as they should with the sounds, volume, tempo, etc. right on.
I have three different pc sequencing programs and they all yield the same result. Simply put the 9K is not transmitting "program changes". All other data (note on/off, control change, etc.) seem OK. Any ideas to help solve this glitch?