Originally posted by trtjazz:
Here's a tip that made my life easier in the srudio and would work even better for gigs.
I used to have a big tub with a mess of cables in it that resembled a big wad of tangled twine or spahgetti, that was a major ordeal to get a cable I needed.
So one day I decided to organize them, being a neat freak and here's what I came up with:
First wrap them more in a figure 8 than a 0
and put a heavy rubber band around them or velcro tie.
Next, I took like cables (1/4", Rca etc) and put them together in a Zipllock bag, the larger freezer kind.
It's not a nightmare anymore when I need to hunt for a cable.
jam on,
Accually the best way to wrap them is over/under and a circle. The way you are doing it will cause a twist in the cable that will shorten the lifespan and also will not throw in a streight line across a room, a joy when doing lots of rewiring or live work.