If you want to find lyrics, just go to www.google.com/ Enter "lyrics 'xxxxxx' " where xxxxx is the name of the song. Works every time. They even had a list of "misheard lyrics" to this song! I use Google as my home page. I use it to search for everything. It is fast, uncluttered, and unbelievably accurate for all searches. The "Feeling Lucky" button often works to take you directly to a site. Bob
Actually, at www.google.com/ just entering "beat of my heart" did the trick also, so using the word "lyric" is probably not required. It appears it will find your song if you just enter a few words in quotes, whether the few words come from the Title of the Song or the main body of lyrics. Bob
Registered: 06/01/98
Posts: 6484
Loc: Ventura CA USA
If you want to read about misheard lyrics as well as have a laugh check KissThisGuy.com which is of course a mishearing of Hendrix's line "Kiss The Sky"
try this site out, its the mother of all search engines.... ive been using google for months now, its one of the best... http://www.sorcom.com/thewholething.html