The way it appears, the only remedy is using a setup registration file that will change the defaults to where you want them. Essentially, you'll have to set the volume for a specific style, setup the mic, footswitches, etc, things you want to remain that way. Call this registration SETUP or STARTUP and only check off the items you wish to save on the Registration Memory Page. After saving the registration, go back to the Registration Memory Page and uncheck the boxes for those items that you don't want to change in your subsequent registrations, Mic settings, vocal harmony, foot pedal, etc.
Now, when you first turn on the keyboard, press the STARTUP registration button, then you can create new registrations, ones that will automatically have the Startup information in them. It's not difficult, and it will do a great job. After a while, pressing that Startup registration will be second nature, something you will automatically do every time you turn on the keyboard.
Hope this helps,
Travlin' Easy