I'm happy to announce that Bigga Giggas, that up until now have made sample-cd's exclusivly for Gigasampler/Gigastudio now will pick up on the AKAI formats.
This means biiig sounds and low prices.
First out are one great collection from Post Audio Media, "Post Harpsichord Vol 1". It comes in S1000 and S5000 format at just $95
They will be added to our online store shortly, but you can get a pdf-info at
www.biggagiggas.com where you also can read more about our other cd's that will come out in AKAI format real soon.
Wich ones would you like to see in AKAI version first? Drop us a line at: info@biggagiggas.com and we'll draw three winners that will recive the CD that they've suggested for free when the AKAI version is released.
Hope to hear from you soon!
Per Larsson
Bigga Giggas Europe