I recently found out that the Tyros 2 is suppose to be made of "space age materials". That statement was never said about the current Tyros btw.
Furthermore since the Tyros 2 is going to be made of "space age materials" what prevents Yamaha from making a relatively 'light' 76 key Tyros 2? I am assuming one of the reasons Yamaha won't do a 76 note high end Arranger is because 61 key Arrangers are a lot lighter by comparison.
Thank you Yamaha for thinking about our backs but these "space age materials" you are supposedly putting in the Tyros 2 might possibly circumvent that inconvenience?

So you could 'theoretically' make a 76 key Tyros 2 that weighs about the same as the current Tyros or in the same ball park anyway.
Remember the Roland Fantom X7 (76 keys) weighs in at a paltry 32 lbs., so "theoretically" it can be done. I mean for an Arranger that is. Roland already demonstrated it can be done for a Workstation.
So what I am hoping is Yamaha realizes the HUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEE market for a 76 key high end Arranger and with the incorporation of "space age materials" will oblige their customers and potential customers and indeed make a 76 key version Tyros 2 that will not only set the precedent for a relatively light high end 76 key Arranger but will be the pinnacle of success with its superior sounds and feature set.
The only real obstacle keeping more people from buying a G70 is the weight factor in my opinion. Oh... and the price.

Can't forget that huh.

Tyros 2 as follows:
76 Keys
Relatively light weight
Superior sound and feature set
Priced below the competition = SUCCESS!!
Now on a lighter note - what in this pic of the Tyros 2 looks different than the current Tyros? Other than what looks like a USB to Device port where the floppy disk holder is on the current Tyros.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/yoyo22/TYROS/Tyros2_1_bigger.jpg Yamaha not only needs to make a 76 key Tyros 2 but on the 61 key version they need to make some design changes other than the B2 bomber thingie to make the Tyros 2 look different than their current model.
Quip: One person to another - What are you playing there? IS that a Tyros 1 or a Tyros 2? Other than the Stealth Bomber wings it looks just like my Tyros 1. Did you 'clip' those wings yourself or did Yamaha actually have the gall to make it that way?
As you can tell I am NOT a fan of the Tyros 2 design.

Hopefully Yamaha relented and will make a better looking design for it.
Possibly that is why they keep asking people to remove postings of the Tyros 2 pic. Because what we see is not what we will really get.
If that is the case then my prayers will have been answered.

That, and the inclusion of a 76 Key version that is.
Best regards,
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 05-22-2005).]