I have a little road trip planned this week because I have to be at the Jersey shore Sunday morning and again, on Wednesday evening.
That leaves all day Monday and Tuesday, and half of Wednesday to explore and relax.
Anyone going to be around that Jersey/Delaware/Maryland area ?
Too bad Louisianna is so stinkin far, Don - I'd drive out in a heartbeat if it was only about 500 miles. I'd be on the road the whole time !
Anyone else got a plan for some "weekday" amusement on Monday or Tuesday? I'm up for almost anything. I'll probably just stay in the Atlantic City area if nothing else turns up .... that way I'll be close to Sea Isle for my session on Wednesday.
I'm making a "live" CD at a ParrotHead night for a friend. Margarita's, Jimmy Buffett music and ugly Hawaiian shirts ! Gotta love it !
Okee Dokee - Come 8:30 AM .... I'm off and runnin ! Night, night kiddies !