He has more than one course, I bought the "300 page secrets to playing piano by ear" or something like that. Even in that he talks alot about gospel, I think I read in his bio that he is a preacher too, but his gospel course is just that gospel, How to play the walks, the runs, the call backs, How to ad emphasis and dramatic backing to the preachers words.
I probably shouldn't say that or someone will get mad but I never bought the Gospel course that is just what I read from his description
The course I bought talked about chord structure, scales, and progressions like I, II, V, and where that would lead you. If you hear these three chords in a song the next logical chord would be.... this
If you want to see the one I got go to an auction on ebay that has ended
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=82642&item=7113953446& rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW ------------------
qqqwq@hotmail.com [This message has been edited by mikeathome1 (edited 11-26-2004).]