Thanks for the reply and your kind comments Dennis. It's much appreciated. Jazz, especially the more modern sub genres, is among my favorite genres to play in. I agree that the jazz styles are among the best of the lot from BIAB. It kinda makes sense to me too, because most of the BIAB users I've talked to agree that the software is pretty much geared toward the jazz genres.
There are some very decent blues styles as well, and the odd meter styles really give us something different that we don't find on most arrangers.
I had hoped that others would find some of these to be useful. Otherwise, I probably would just converted mainly the jazz, blues, odd meter, and electronica styles, with a small portion of Rock and World styles thrown in. In reality though, once I got on a roll I figured, ahhhh what the heck, might as well do them all. In retrospect, once I got a system in place, it really didn't seem to be that much more work anyway.
[This message has been edited by Bluezplayer (edited 08-28-2006).]