Now that you asked...
I have one...but probably not what you would expect.
Couple of weeks ago I was doing a very casual lounge gig with a room full of regulars who knew each other very well and had a great sense of humor. Just for the heck of it, I brought an extra pair of pants and some VERY large white briefs, which I stuck under my KB. I have a sign that hangs down the front of the KB, so no one sees the stand, wires...or whatever else I store there.
Anyway... I started playing "I'm in the mood for Love". After a couple of bars, I stopped and said I had to make a costume change. I took off my shirt and handed it to a nearby table. Then, I pretended to take of my pants and pulled the extra pair from under the KB and handed them to the table. Then, the shorts. Eyes were popping...and I started singing..."I'm in the NUDE for Love".
Before anyone could call the cops, I walked out from behind the KB so they could see I still had pants on.
Corny? Yes...but still a lot of laughs.