Thanks a lot Simon for the nice comments!

This has touched my heart deeply and my thanks also goes out to Yamaha and all the forum members' efforts for working together to get me a keyboard!
Also, Simon, I have been to your website
many times and I think it is the best resource for Yamaha keyboards! I really love your reviews, you have put A LOT of effort into your website and I really enjoy visiting it! GOOD JOB!

On top of that, I have listened to the PSR740's audio demos on your website and the keyboard just sounds astonishing! It sounds so real - I cannot believe it until I hear it myself!

I am so excited, I just cannot wait to receive the keyboard! Because of your website, you have given me insight of how awesome Yamaha's products are and how they make a musician's dream possible!
When I get my PSR740, I will be sure to visit your site and read the content for help on certain questions I may run into.
Well, awesome job on your website! I also love the graphical design of - a lot of work obviously goes into that site, and we can tell!
See you around on the forums and have a nice day,