Some of you may know that, about a month ago, I swapped my Yamaha Tyros2's TRS-MS02 satellites for a pair of
Bose 161's , which have rewarded me with a wonderful sound quality improvement. I especially appreciate the Tyros 2 TRS-MS02 + Bose 161 PA system as it allows me to mount (including 180 degree swivel rotation)the satellites directly atop the T2 itself, as well as plug each speaker directly into a speaker ouput jack on back of T2 (one right beneath each satellite speaker, and with the TRS-MS02 subwoofer plugged into the back of the Tyros2, powering the Bose 161 internally thru the Tyros keyboard itself, eliminating the need to string extraneous speaker wires required by stand alone subwoofer + PA speaker systems.
I've found the Bose 161's to be ideally sized & weighted for mounting to the Tyros2 satellite speaker brackets. The power requirements of the 161's appear to be compatibly matched with the power output of the TRS-MS02 subwoofer as well.
The satellite speakers that come with the Yamaha TRS-MS02's not only lack mid-range output (critcally essential for vocals) but sounds (to my ears) extremely harsh (brash) and irritatingly fatiguing as well, even after extensive EQ tweaking. The Bose 161's, on the other hand, produce clean highs & clear smooth mid range frequencies, with the Tyros2 subwoofer providing the lower frequencies. I now utilize this setup alone for all my small gigs (less than 40-50 people. Ideal for house parties, small cocktail lounge, and nursing home venues, and setup time (20 seconds) and transport (grab & go with handle mounted atop the subwoofer) is a snap. Ok, here are pictures. I was able to purchase all wire/connectors parts at my local Radio Shack store.
- Scott

[This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 05-10-2006).]