Boy this topic is getting funny
I do have to agree with Dnj. Does the T2 sound good--well yes she does, but there's nothing really groundbreaking about the keyboard (or even other models).
Since the release of the T2, where has so much hype been directed (not just by users but by Yamaha themselves?) The all new "Super Articulated" voices. Nothing ground breaking about that really. They're just using volocity switching (been around for a while) with a few added nuances.
As nice as some of those sounds are--sadly some of the nuances are "incorrect" when applied to "actual standard play methods" of the real instrument.
It's all fancy advertisement really. Just repacking old technology with minute changes. All the companies do it--it's not just Yamaha. It's how they make their profits.
It's not to generalize members here, but there are many who feel they absolutely "must" have that newer model-even if the changes are really minute--it's just all fancy ads baby, and people buy into it all the time.
Yamaha, Korg, Roland, and all the other's don't really "want" to give you the keyboard that fills ALL of your needs. (If you really believe they do--please give me call because I "honestly" have a great deal on some ocean front property here in West Virginia I'd like to sell to you). If they did that how would they make any money. They give you bits here and there (beef up the next model with more fancy ads) to get you to upgrade.