Hi guys!
There’s an issue I would like to share with you and get your opinions.
It’s about when the transitions (FILL, BREAK, TO END) should happen.
I use Ketron SD1 an its transitions work in the way that if triggered before the last beat, they play in the current bar, but if triggered during the last beat they start in the next bar. This philosophy works great for BREAK, because it is mostly used at the beginning of the bar, so if you are a little too early, you still get the break in the planned bar.
But for FILLs and TO END it would better from my experience that transitions stays in the current bar. What happens to me very often is that I press FILL just before the bar ends, I would like to get just a fraction of transition and a crash sound, but what I get is transition in the next bar, where it doesn’t belong.
I would be glad to hear your opinions, as well from Ketron users as from the others. I would like to see if I have a point here or I just have to get used to press FILL early enough.