Hi Felipe,
No, the keyboard didn't come out deffective. The first keyboard OS versions came out with a lot of bugs. During 2005 Roland has made 4 bugfix releases. With OS2.01 a lot of bugs are solved and the G-70 is a fine arranger keyboard. However, the story doesn't end here, because there are still bugs to be fixed! The Roland G-70 User Club Denmark is created in an attempt to establish a contact between the G-70 users and Roland. This goal has been achieved. Roland uses the User Club website as reference, when working with bugfixing. The user club website has among several other services a "bugs database". Along with that the website has a forum board dedicated to gathering user observations, which sometimes result in creation of bug reports. Luckily the data flow in this forum board is decreasing...
My recommendation to you - taking your situation into consideration - is to go and test the instruments in a shop. We have heard several stories from people buying a G-70, a Tyros, a Korg, a Solton etc. etc. based solely on input gathered from the Internet! Do not make the same mistake! Often these persons get really surprised, when they receive the keyboard, they thought would be the keyboard of their dreams. Why? Because there is SO MUCH more to it than just listening to other people's experiences. You might have your own special criterias for success. Maybe you think that the quality of the keys is the most important thing. Maybe it is the out-of-the-box rate that is your favorite topic!?! Go to the shop and find out for yourself, what you think . and then use the Internet as a reference, or use the fora to ask questions regarding functionality!