#128467 - 12/30/03 09:21 PM
Junior Member
Registered: 09/23/00
Posts: 21
Loc: Cleveland, Ohio USA
I purchased a KORG PA1X PRO and returned it after three days because I was disappointed with some of its features. I own a Yamaha Tyros and was able to compare the two keyboards. My impressions and comments are as follows:
Sounds � The Korg has many outstanding sounds. The brass, guitars, accordions, and harmonicas were excellent. These categories are superior to the Tyros sounds. The acoustic piano is a different story. Tyros wins � no contest. The Korg grand piano is very thin sounding and weak. The Casio WK3000 has a better piano sound then the Korg. I also liked the Tyros electric pianos, electric organs and saxes better than the PA1X PRO sounds.
Key Feel � The action and feel of the PA1X PRO are terrific - much better than the Tyros.
Styles � The Korg Styles were good but I prefer the Tyros styles (My opinion, yours might be different).
Intros and Endings � Both keyboards have three intros that work about the same. The PA1X Pro has two endings. Ending one has a built in chord progression and ending two is a short ending using whatever chords are played. The Tyros has three endings with one ending playing a simple one measure ending. I usually play my own ending and hit the Tyros one measure ending on my last measure. The Korg does not let you do this.
Fills � Another area the Tyros wins hands down. I think the fills have serious problems on the Korg. When I play a fill on the Tyros, it always sounds smooth and musically appropriate. I can start a fill in the middle of a measure and it always comes in right and with the correct timing. With the Korg, the fills have the right timing when you start the fill exactly on beat one. On some styles, if you hit the fill after beat one, it feels like the timing of the fill is off from the timing of the measure. It feels like the accompaniment skips when this happens. It is like playing with a bad drummer. I think this is a software bug and hopefully could be corrected with a software update.
The fills have another problem. On some styles, when you hit the fill button the overall volume of the accompaniment increases quite a bit. The volume then decreases when the fill is over.
The Tyros has a setting that automatically plays a fill when you change variations. I think this is a great feature and use it all the time. The Korg does not play fills when you hit a different variation. It does let you program the fills so when you hit a fill, the variation will change based on what option you selected (increment to next variation, decrement to previous variation, or go to a specific variation number). Since there are only three fills and four variations, you do not have enough fills to switch to all of the variations. Also, it is way more complicated than the Tyros.
User interface � The user interface was not bad once you figured out how to do things. The touch screen was fine and better than I thought it would be. I still like the interface of the Tyros better. I think it is the most intuitive and easy to use of any keyboard I have played.
Summary � I decided not to keep the PA1X because of two reasons - the weak piano sound and the problem with the fills. This is only my opinion and others may feel different.
#128470 - 12/30/03 11:12 PM
Senior Member
Registered: 11/24/99
Posts: 3305
Loc: Reseda, California USA
JMPCPA bought his PA1XPRO from my store last week and after having a lengthy conversation I asked him to call Korg USA and have a talk with the product manager for the arranger keyboards.. They spoke for approx. 1/2 hour and I am confident that their converstation will get back to Korg Italy, where these products are made. I do agree with the acoustic piano sound, and think it could be better. Korg does have an expansion slot inside the keyboard which I think can take a Korg sound board, and I'm hoping they will use the information gained from our conversations to develop a great piano board. As to the fills, many work perfectly, without glitches and without the volume increases JMPCPA has mentioned, but some do need to be corrected to make them play correctly and sound correctly. I've been in this business for 34 years and the good news is that keyboard manufactures today often come out with a product and within a few months revisions are made to improve the workings of their products. We have seen this on the PA80. First, version 1, then version 2 and finally version 3. It would be nice to get it completely right the first time, but it's great to know that fixes do happen and features are added as those that work for the company listen to their customers and get to work on what they do best. When I attend the NAMM show next month, I will be looking for the Korg Italian engineers to let them know what could be improved on. Like JMPCPA has stated, there is plenty on this board to make those who loved the PA80 and new to Korg keyboards thrilled with this product,such as the feel of the 76 keys, the vocal harmonizer,a very good sequencer, very good styles. However, the lack of certain endings and problems with certain fills needs to be addressed and I feel certain Korg will do their best to remedy what could be improved. Thanks for your views JMPCPA. George Kaye Kaye's Music Scene Reseda, California
George Kaye Kaye's Music Scene (Closed after 51 years) West Hills, California (Retired 2021)
#128474 - 12/31/03 04:26 AM
I had the opportunity of playing the PA1X Pro for half an hour (found one by chance in a music store in Lisbon) in a brief holiday trip to the south of Portugal. It was a buggy unit, and it took us several tries to set it on without software crashes.
Anyway I confirm JMPCPA's remarks. The most pleasant thing about this keyboard is the key action: the best that I ever experienced in an arranger. I found one or two amazing guitar sounds (acoustic) that seemed to me (even) more realistic than on the Tyros. I didn't try all the guitars, but kept the impression, that the Tyros has a wider variety of excellent guitars. As others observe, the piano sound is weak, although I was not using a top quality PA (Roland KC 350). There are excellent styles for acoustic music (jazz, bossanova,..), but the chord recognition in not as good as on the Yamaha, as Scott points out. Although there are very good styles on the Korg, overall, they seem less homogeneous than on the Tyros (that I own). By "less homogeneous", I mean a less achieved connection between the several variations of a style, and that includes the fills. I was surprised that I did like the touch screen, although it requires some adjusting time to the right pressure one needs to apply to the screen to navigate through the menus.
-- Jos�.