#128508 - 12/22/06 11:11 AM
Re: Post for Diki however this does not preclude others
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14367
Loc: NW Florida
The demand for these hybrid keyboards is VERY high, they are not a 'niche' market product..... The only reason they are 'niche' products right now is that few people can afford them at the price point they are currently at.
Domenik's MS is at a considerably lower price point than any Wersi, and to be honest, if it actually did what it claimed, I would probably have one by now. In fact, the MS's price and weight point should be making Wersi VERY worried, right about now.
You lump all those different keyboards together, and label them 'high-end', but miss the point..... Lionstracs are severely cutting Wersi's price-point (remember, an Abacus lists at close to $9k, doesn't it?) and if it ever really gets it all together, who's going to pay DOUBLE for the same thing?
Factor in the rapid improvements of computer technology, and I liken where Wersi are at now to the organ market of the 70s...... watching things get out of hand, newer technology comes along and does what the behemoth organs do (and more!) at a fraction of the price and weight. And it does nothing, smug in the self-satisfaction of 'It will always be OK for organs, people will always pay lots of money for boutique home entertainment'..... and in the meantime, the portable arranger decimates your sales.
Too slow...........
All I've been trying to point out is that Wersi, because they have the field entirely to themselves, chose to go the high-end (VERY high-end) route in pricing policy. This only works when you have no competition. Domenik is the first..... there will be even more coming soon, I guarantee.
The fact that an entire instrument can be designed entirely in software drastically reduces the startup cost of any company seeking to enter this market, common OS's (Linux, Windows) reduce the cost of developing expensive proprietary code, everything about this new hybrid technology screams mass market.
So, inevitably (and Domenik is the sharp end of this attack) more and more players will enter this field. Imagine what would happen if the Big 3 decided to enter it? Wouldn't Wersi prefer to be the dominant leader and everybody else have to struggle to gain a foothold, or will they prefer to stay selling boutique arrangers and organs, while some hungrier startup scavenges your sales.....?
If they decide to trickle down their technology to affordable ($3-5k) arrangers, they may be able to stop the up and comers, but if they sit in their $10k+ ivory tower, Domenik and his like are going to eat you alive.
After all, essentially these things are a computer in a keyboard case. We already know how much (or rather, how little!) a computer costs. And it certainly isn't $9000. It's the software you are paying for, and everybody's experience with software has shown that this year's killer $500 app is next year's $100 bargain, is the next year's freeware. I obviously exaggerate, but that's the general trend. Wersi are at the top of what is going to be a VERY volatile market for the next three or four years (technology moves so fast, it is hard to imagine that these hybrids WON'T be fully mature by then).
And be careful about claims of exclusivity..... If the ultra-high-end arrangers think they are doing a job nothing else can, that's only a factor if that job CAN'T be done any other way... The Oasys is a case in point. It's twice as expensive as any other workstation out there, sounds great, yada yada yada, but watch any TV show and 9 times out of 10, the keyboard player is playing a MotifES or Triton Extreme, etc.. The job doesn't dictate an Oasys, it can be performed VERY adequately without one. So sales of Oasys's are pretty slow.... those that have them appreciate them, but others with less capable rigs are still getting the call, so it's not like you HAVE to have one to gig.
A T2, a PA1X, an E80/G70, all of these, in the hands of a skillful player, are capable of making music that the average audience would be VERY hard pressed to differentiate from a Wersi, so why pay 2 or even 3 or 4 times the cost of one of these for a Wersi? I can see paying 50% more for the VST stuff, but not 2-300% more...... Obviously, Domenik thinks that is the price point he can sell them at, and still make a profit, but Wersi need twice as much?
After all, I still haven't heard anything from Wersi that made me go 'Oh my God! I GOTS to get one of these!'... I've heard plenty of stuff that made me go 'yes, that sounds a bit better than my G70' but I can't honestly say I've heard anything that made me say 'now THAT'S worth $6000 more!'
What's the feature touted the most in the new OAS? The ability to play Yamaha styles without a translation (although not one of the translations I've heard sounded BETTER than the original, just adequate - but still quite an achievement!). Why would anyone that just payed $10k for an arranger even have to NEED a translated style? At that price point, it should have a library of completely BETTER than Yamaha styles!
Anyway, I guess my point is, if Wersi ignore the regular high-end price point (I consider them the ULTRA-high point!) and refuse to compete in the $3-5k market, the day that a hybrid works capably at that price point, Wersi will never sell another arranger. I'm pretty sure they don't want that, but unless they start NOW (they are a very small company, this will take time) working on competing with stuff we won't see for 2 or 3 years, when the competition DOES come out (and it will!) you won't be able to recover fast enough and 'poof!' no more expensive OAS updates every few years..... no more Wersi.
Sounds stupid, doesn't that....? Ask any organ manufacturer from the 70's how stupid that sounds......
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#128509 - 12/22/06 12:32 PM
Re: Post for Diki however this does not preclude others
Registered: 03/31/02
Posts: 491
Loc: California
Saying the demand for these hybrids is "very high" isn't true because there is no way that a manufacturer can build the product at the price point needed to make the demand "high" let alone "very high". If there are so many people ready to buy a Wersi or Lionstracs they certainly haven't done so. I'd love to have a Ferrari but I don't expect Ferrari to "dumb it down" so that it can be cheap enough for me to afford one. Some things just aren't meant for the mass market and that's OK.
Lionstracs is continually improving the Mediastation and with each new OS release I'm sure that Wersi is worried it will take some sales away from them. Will it put Wersi out of business... probably not. What Wersi has done with OAS is far more than just software, they've integrated their software and hardware so well that they really don't have any competition to date. While you could buy a computer and load it with VST's, a sampler, and FX, it will never operate like a system that was designed from the ground up to be an all in one device. Domenik's doing a damned good job at coming close to the Wersi but Wersi has about a 5 year jump on him when it comes to their GUI, factory sounds, and hardware layout. Even Korg's Oasys which has a very nice GUI isn't on par with the Wersi.
Wersi has allowed their technology to trickle down by making the Ikarus and Xenios, both of which are much cheaper than the Abacus, Scala, and Louvre but offer almost all the same features. Wersi did have to utilize different materials to cut costs and there aren't as many real time controls but these are very nice instruments for the money.
If and when the competition gets stiffer I am sure that Wersi may opt to make a plastic, pseudo pro version of the OAS system but once they do, their reputation for build quality will take a hit. One thing you may not be considering is this... when new technology becomes available Wersi can integrate that into their systems, create new software that's more advanced than the competition, and still sell a product that is at the forefront of technology. Wersi has always been a company that has been far ahead of its time and I don't see any reason why they aren't forward thinking when it comes to new products they will release.
In the near future open ended systems will be the norm from Yamaha, Korg, Roland, Wersi, Lionstracs, and others. Who sells well will be determined by their feature set, sounds, styles, upgradeability, and of course price (price drives sales). Anyone who comes out with a $5K+ keyboard is going to limit their market, that's just a fact.
[This message has been edited by Ensnareyou (edited 12-22-2006).]
#128512 - 12/22/06 01:55 PM
Re: Post for Diki however this does not preclude others
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14367
Loc: NW Florida
Originally posted by Ensnareyou: Some things just aren't meant for the mass market and that's OK........
In the near future open ended systems will be the norm from Yamaha, Korg, Roland, Wersi, Lionstracs, and others. Who sells well will be determined by their feature set, sounds, styles, upgradeability, and of course price (PRICE DRIVES SALES). Anyone who comes out with a $5K+ keyboard is going to limit their market, that's just a fact.
There's my whole point in a nutshell.... First, Wersi's attitude, then the inevitable future....... Just because they DON'T make an affordable OAS arranger doesn't mean they CAN'T, but while they have the market lead is the time to move into the (to your mind) mid-priced (to the rest of us, high-priced!) arranger market, NOT after Yamaha or Korg (or Lionstracs!) have already got working product out..... Wersi don't have to go flimsy Yamaha build quality on us.... just build it as strong as a G70, and they'll never have any complaints....
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#128513 - 12/22/06 03:41 PM
Re: Post for Diki however this does not preclude others
Registered: 12/14/05
Posts: 236
Loc: birmingham,england
I am kind of between both Dikki and Ensareyou's points of view.Both wersi and liontracks in my opinion may well be left in the dust if there is truly a demand for open system arranger keyboards in the market place. The one thing we all agree on is that the technology itself is not expensive and to manufacture these units on mass by organised mature companies is not difficult. What is dificult is communicating the benefit of these products to the marketplace in a way that they want ,can understand and will purchase at those prices. It is a niche market but not simply because of the price. The products themselves are a step change to the traditional ideas about arrangers and that needs to be communicated better with clearer more simple messages. The amount of times i have been swamped with technical gobbledy gook when a simple demonstration would have demistified the whole thing is a case in point ! Wersi, liontracks and Neko have failed to properly market their instruments and the benefits that set them apart from the competition. If Korg,Roland or yamaha see that there is a market for these types of machines (as far as the arranger market is concerned ) they have the experience , the slickness to market them effectively to sell them in far higher proportions which will in itself provide them a cushion for a lower price point.
Dikki is right that if Liontracks really can pull off a fully functioning open system at its current price , it will have mass market appeal only however if it is marketed effectively. That means good literature in english, good demos by competant musicians, ease of purchase and wide distribution and servicing or product support.
Wersi seem content with their product and its current price and dont seem to want to actually promote their product to a wider audience. But i am sure that someone will and if they do, I am sure diki is right, they will take Wersi's market too.
dont quit.......period