Thank You. Myrtle Creek and Grants Pass are nice areas
.Polyphony has been mentioned more than once before, where as we have instruments with actual 320 polyphony, the decision was made in designing the genesys, that 64 notes of real polyphony would be plenty. I personally have never had a note drop out, and I push my instrument hard. I could play the same sequence on another instrument with supposedly more polyphony and it will drop notes and the genesys doesn't. Lets face it, on a spec sheet, the genesys doesn't seem to have the power of lesser instruments. In the real world, I haven't had anyone complain about notes dropping out. I would love on the spec sheet to say we have more polyphony, but what really matters to everyone, is will it do the job.
Weight is another issue on the genesys and with a 10' sub and the amazing crystal clear sound system installed in the genesys, it is always going to be an issue. The system will carry a small room of 25-50 people. There is an improvement they are working on, that will reduce the current weight, but not as much as you desire.
Yamaha, nor Generalmusic have labeled instrument with speakers as not professional. That is the fault of the consumers, and keyboard type magazines, keyboard salesman. If Generalmusic or even Yamaha tried to buck the system, we'd have a fight on our hands. I think the term professional keyboard verse home style keyboards in a fuzzy line. I can understand why a keyboard salesman selling a keyboard with speakers to a home user would call those without a professional keyboard, as you would normally buy them and plug them into a sound system... Makes it easy for the salesman to differentiate between the two types of instruments. Some people think that anything with an automatic arranger onboard means it is a home-style instrument. Some think that anything that has General MIDI sounds is a home-style instrument (although the latter mindset has changed since the Kurzweil PC-88 days and them having to add General MIDI sound sets).
As I have stated before in another thread, that I like the genesys and would use it on stage, without changing a thing, as the speaker system is an awesome stage monitor.
I am not the only one from Generalmusic that monitors these boards. Chris Anthony one of Generalmusic design team has posted here for years. Others watch the forum but do not post. I am relatively new to posting to this forum myself, although I have monitored this forum as well as many other forums and news groups heck I go all the way back to fidoNet.
I am a representative for Generalmusic US, and have nothing to do with product development. However I do pass on suggestions to those that do. Take Care
Paul Davis