It depends.
I will, of course, only participate in the purchase of music which is not the result of corporate greed and empty celebrity (which automatically excludes Brittany, Celine, Shania, any and all "boy groups," and anything advertised on Yahoo's home page). Those whining about the price of those "artists'" work have frankly made their own bed.
My CD is not a part of the lawsuit, and none of its purchasers - 3 co-workers, 5 family members (including 6 copies to my mother), and some guy from eastern Pennsylvania who I met here - have complained about the price. If you are one of those purchasers, refer all questions to my sister, who is a lawyer. She's not complaining, 'cause I gave her one.
"The Music Industry" should be shortened to "The Industry" - the percentage of its interests having anything to do with notes and sounds is so small as to be uninteresting.
Next topic of discussion: "The Fast Food Industry"...
"The problem with the world is that the ignorant are cock-sure, whereas the intelligent are full of doubt." - Bertrand Russell