Hi Johnnie and Rube,
I am very seriously looking at the PR703 because
1) The 88 weighted keys
2) The 120 watts
3) You can play any kind of music e.g. classical piano, modern songs, and you still have all the synthesizer capabilities of a kn6500 and almost all of the sounds (and some that the kn6500 doesn't have as well!)
It is not that I don't like the PR but just the thought of NOT getting the kn6500 is horrible. But if I got the kn6500 with the P50, it would be OVER $10,000. I really can't do that. Plus with the P50 attached, my lounge would look like a recording studio
Sorry I don't have any photos of myself - I don't have a digital camera! But I got to take a few photos of my dog, cat, etc.
Well, the PR looks like a (probably) 70% chance at the moment.
Just one thing, when I tried the PR on Wednesday, the keys tended to spring up and make noise when you took your fingers off them. Maybe it was my imagination or maybe it was that I was trying the kn6500 at the same time with the non-weighted keys.
Now, Rube, you should get a technics
IMHO, they are better
Thanks both, and post photos everyone,