#131037 - 08/23/06 10:51 PM
Jazz experiment on T2 uploaded
Registered: 05/08/06
Posts: 464
Loc: Southeastern PA, USA
As an experiment, I tried to use standard T2 styles to play a straight ahead jazz standard using a jazz combo instrumentation of piano, bass, drums, and guitar with appropriate groove, fills, and a variety of comps, different from the head, to avoid a repetitive boring background for soloing. For this experiment I used Benny Golson’s song Killer Joe. You can listen to my effort at: http://media.putfile.com/Killer-Joe-Jazz-Experiment I don’t consider this a performance but more of a sketchpad of an experiment. I did it in real-time, one take, into the recorder of the T2. For the intro I used variation D of Fast Jazz, starting with its fill for the drum intro and then leading to the comp. For the bridge I used variation A. For soloing I didn’t like the comping of variation B or variation C of Fast Jazz so I used variation B of Modern Jazz which uses brushes on the drums, and variation C which uses sticks, and variation D which has a guitar comp on every beat. For the trading 4s with the drums I used Bebop variation D which I revoiced the piano comp to jazz guitar to match the other styles used. For the ending I was back to Fast Jazz variation D with lots of drum breaks and then a quick switch to variation C to change up the drums before closing out with Ending I. I saved the Fast Jazz, Modern Jazz, and Bebop styles in single registration bank using just three buttons and used the variation buttons to make the switches within each style. I think if I work on this a little more I could have a couple of useable registration banks that I could use for a variety of different songs. Give a listen and tell me what you think. All comments, praise and suggestions, are welcomed and encouraged.
#131043 - 08/24/06 09:12 AM
Re: Jazz experiment on T2 uploaded
Registered: 05/08/06
Posts: 464
Loc: Southeastern PA, USA
Rory: Thanks for the feedback. Good point about panning in the 4's to better match the other styles.
You bring up an interesting point. Using the internal styles, some voicings that are not possible on a real guitar may be played. There is no "don't play an impossible voicing" function that I am aware of in the Tyros engine that selects the voicing for a chord. Also, as a piano player, I have no idea of what is an "illegal" guitar voicing. Although, I am sometimes frustrated that I can't get a chord played in a style in the inversion I want. As example, in the head, the Bb7 chord (second chord in the groove) I like with D on the top and the Tyros always chooses F.
Another philosophy may be. Why should I be limited by what can be done on the real instrument as compared to what can be done on the virtual one. As example, I love to use pitch bend with an electric piano sound. However, I have never seen a Rhodes with a whammy bar.
BTW, I checked out your site. Some very cool stuff there. Amazing Grace was cooking.
#131045 - 08/24/06 10:56 AM
Re: Jazz experiment on T2 uploaded
Registered: 03/12/06
Posts: 845
Loc: Miami FL nov-may/Lakeville CT ...
robert, thanks for post, nice playing, what u have done is what I do on my gigs..except I don't use the guitar in the comp..just bass/drums/percussion, because I find using the guitar comp parts(or any other parts) the way these arrangers are set up is just too stiff for jazz, plus you have to be so careful in your LH voicing. too bad, because the sound of the guitar comp does add a nice flavor to it. for me it's about keeping a real jazz trio "feeling" going when I play and sing, not trying to duplicate details of 'authenticity"--that's the paradox, if you try to 'freeze" anything perfect, it tends to sound canned and lose its underlying spontaneous jazz impulse. I try to vary the sounds I use a lot, depending on how it strikes me, even though I keep to the piano-rhodes-vibes-organ-guitar- muted tpt-flute most of the time..but having the choice of hundreds of sounds, try a non-jazz instrument on occasion to keep it fresh and the creativity flowing. that's something not possible with a live band.(how many guys can play a frnech horn, tuba and ocarina in unison?LOL) Miami Mo
Miami Mo