The TYROS USB-MIDI connection at regular moments locks-up. Most likely this is due to noise/spikes on the mains. I can reproduce this easy by switching on TL lamps (Fluoriscent Ignition lamps) A reboot of the PC is required to restore the connection.
I tried other USB ports, new quality USB cable, other PC without improvement.
During preparing for reboot Windows2000 hangs on blue screen, XP stops without sign and PC mains must be switched off and on to restart.
After the latest incident I could not restore the USB connection after reboot. Only Yamaha USB-MIDI_01 OUT is visible, the second USB out and the USB-MID-IN is not visible. Also the standard midi connection does not work.
After removing the driver, re-boot and re-connect the TYROS USB cable, trying to install the driver, neither Windows XP or W2K does not recognize the "New Device". It looks to me that the TYROS USB circuit is defective now.
Any comments or experience ???
JaapV (NL)