Thanks for listening and the comments guys.
Bruno - maybe the fact the file was .wma not mp3 threw you to start with - sorry about that

Natural tendency for me is to revert to piano style playing where possible and the first section was full KB layered with strings. All others were with split KB.
Zuki & Stephen-
The piano is the Ty2 LiveGrand but heavily tweaked every which-way affecting the tone, touch response & stereo presence (best felt when heard "live"). In fact it's in 2 halves (in R1 lower-midrange & R2 mid-upper)with tweaks tailored to the optimum for each half.
Each half played separately sounds peculiar but together they blend to make quite a nice piano for a piece of plastic - to my ears anyway-lol!
It shouldn't make a difference to any decision on S900 vs Ty2 Zuki since the "best" Ty2 Grand presets are also available on the S900 (Voice nos. 0/113/1 & 0/114/1).
The fact that TY2 has 3 RH voices over the 2 on the S900 would carry more weight for me (not sure if I intended that pun or not!) - but that's an opinion of one who's a home player.
Nice to hear the good music offered by Manuel, Eddie - & Scott L whom I mention specifically because my previous comments were related to Scott Y -hehe!!!
No problem, there are even more Johns around on Forums in general, believe me

John (wyvern)