Hello and welcome to the synthzone . Depending on what kind of computer you have , that will dictate what is available for you . Like if you purchased a MAC or windows machine . I prefer Mac . The basics are pretty much the same though . You would want to get a pro quality Midi and Audio card . The M- AUDIO AUDIOPHILE 2496 is a great low cost pro quality card , less than $200.00 and it works with MAC and windows machines . Audio programs for MAC - LOGIC AUDIO , CUBASE , PROTOOLS , OPCODE STUDIO VISION , NEUINDO , BIAS PEAK , TC SPARK . Windows programs - CAKE WALK SONAR , SEK-D , CUBASE , PROTOOLS , COOL EDIT , just to name a few . Just about all of these offer AUDIO and MIDI sequencing . No matter what kind of machine you have , you would want to have more ram , atleast 256megs of ram . Ram is so cheap for computers now that it's no problem to upgrade . Software synthesizer programs like REAKTOR , VIBRA-9000 , RETRO AS-1 , MODEL E , PRO-52 , SUPER COLLIDER , GIGA SAMPLER , just to name a few . To be honest there are a lot of programs available , the fun is to experience as much as you can . You are getting into a whole new world of music , you have a lot of fun just waiting around the corner .