Hi Donny,
I think I can answer that somewhat:
It is for the same reason why alot of Chinese do Tai Chi in the park every day.
it's good for your body mind and spirit.

What I'm trying to say is that it is a completetly different culture.
Unless you have traveled to other countries and have spent some time there, it is hard to explain.
A lot of americans look for fast and instant gratification. That's why we have Mc Donalds and SO many other fast food places.

Europeans (used to) know that a good meal takes time to prepare and cook and it's worth the wait.
So is learning an Instrument.

The other thing is that most americans want to BE entertaint rather than get up and do something themselfes... see all those stupid reality shows on TV.
Plus having a MP3 player who needs to play?
I hate to say it, but you, Don, UD, Fan and some others are a few exceptions and a dying race...

Just look at how many youngsters from the US are here on the board.
Our youngest recent new member is 17. But wait he is from Romania..... Europe.
It is a cultural upbringing kinda thing; just like americans grow up with football and it's in their veins, Europeans grow up with culture: music, lot's of museums, ancient churches and buildings etc.
You have to grow up with it. It's hard to teach.
Hope this helps
