Back in January, after the NAMM show, i reported on the Genesys keyboard, it's size, weight and estimated street price here in the US. Please revisit the thread from the end of January and you'll see this information. There is no msrp for the GEM products. Street price should be around $3500.00, but this will vary from dealer to dealer. Generalmusic, Ketron, Roland CK (VA7,5 and 3) and Technics have no msrp. Dealers are given the opportunity to set their own price based on the markup they feel they should make. I don't personally like this system. I prefer retail prices as set by Yamaha PSR, Casio, Korg and a few others. This has been a practice used by the Piano and Organ stores for years. Pro stores use MSRP and either sell at these prices or offer discount prices. Some manufactures even require dealers to never advertise for less then their "MAP" prices. MAP stands for minimum advertised price.
The Genesys will be weighing in at around 60 lbs. from what I remember. This is because of the high quality speaker system built inside. The cabinet for the speakers has to be well built because the system uses a stereo 50 watts per side system. Delivery should be within the next few months.
George Kaye
Kaye's Music Scene
Reseda, California
George Kaye
Kaye's Music Scene (Closed after 51 years)
West Hills, California
(Retired 2021)