Terry, had a listen to both Turnabout and Snow and Roses.
Well, the S88 definitlely has a dynamic sound and presence to it. The music had a better 'flow' to it IMO and more depth. I listened to Turnabout first then Snow and Roses and I could immediately tell that the Tyros with its Style accompaniment sounded somewhat canned to me. I didn't notice a canned sound with the S88. Like I said, the S88 had a "more free flowing" sound.
It sounded like you were playing a Viola-(in the lower registers) or a Cello-(in the higher registers) along with your EP. It sounded very realistic. The EP sounded pretty good too but I couldn't get a very good feel for it in the song. The other sounds masked it a little. Which EP are we talking about on the S88? Sounded almost like a Newtines or Hypertines to me.
PS: The Mega Voice on Snow and Roses sounded only okay to me. I could almost sense your trepidation when playing it.
And although there are a couple Mega Voices that are somewhat playable, do play them in a live situation would be next to impossible if not totally impossible. But I realize you don't Gig so trying to play and record them in your home Studio you could devote more time and effort into trying to get it just right.
On the fly??, ie., "Live??" No way IMO!
BTW, that's a frown not a scowl.
I look forward to hearing more of your S88 sounds and songs Terry. They will not only give me but everyone else on the SZ Forum a better impression either positive or negative of the S88's capabilities and sounds. My first impression is a positive one.
Best regards,