Hi mart,
This is somewhat bothersome, you not having your own email address, but anyhow.
Forget about the street organs, it has nothing to do with me, and very little (with
the rest of Holland) these days, I hate to admit.....
Read your comments in the PRO9000 about you playing the VA7 and being particularly please with some of the Styles that we marketed in Holland a couple of years ago.
The famous ROSENBERG stlyle was composed by
a friend of mine, as most of the so-called
QUALITY STYLES (series of 6 disks) for G800,
G1000/EM2000 and VA7. Still very much recommended, but I take it you have got them all.
P.S. Middelburg is in the very South West,
5 miles from the sea and near the Belgian border......